Calculate Disscount in Excel using Netsted If Formulas in Excel 2016 with Sujeet Kumar
Calculate Disscount in Excel using Netsted If Formulas in Excel 2016 with Sujeet Kumar How to use Excel IF function with multiple conditions In summary, there can be 2 basic types of multiple conditions - with AND and OR logic. Consequently, your IF function should embed an AND or OR function in the logical test, respectively. AND function . If your logical test contains the AND function, Microsoft Excel returns TRUE if all the conditions are met; otherwise it returns FALSE. OR function . In case you use the OR function in the logical test, Excel returns TRUE if any of the conditions is met; FALSE otherwise. To better illustrate the point, let's have a look at a few IF examples with multiple conditions. Example 1. Using IF & AND function in Excel Suppose, you have a table with the results of two exam scores. The first score, stored in column C, must be equal to or greater than 20. The second score, listed in column D, must be equal to ...